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понедељак, 9. јануар 2012.

Super Picture Contest!

Hello girls, boys, penguins and other animals to the first annual Super Picture Contest! You can send me pictures from TODAY to May 10th! There are four themes:

1) Extreme


You must take the picture by yourself! No copying from somebody or the Internet!

Send me pictures to Twitter or by mail (azdravkovski99@gmail.com) or link in the comments below

NOTE: If you want to enter you must send me tweet/mail with theme and the picture!


If you win one of categories you get:

A custom penguin, your penguin in a Youtube Video, your name on Wall of Fame and much more!

You can only send 1 picture for EACH category. The max is 4 pics, so START SENDING SOME PICTURES!

Note: I will be the judge, if YOU win this year you will be the judge next year :)

уторак, 24. мај 2011.

Question Booth: Type in Q and then the question!
Answer Booth: Type in A and then the answer!
Ask and answer in the comments BELOW!!

четвртак, 19. мај 2011.

субота, 14. мај 2011.

Hello Guys!
Like my new CP Pin tracker I uploaded?
And one more thing!
I am going on an English Competicion in 15:00
Wish me luck!

четвртак, 12. мај 2011.

Ok,l am going to make this fast and clear:
CQOD(comic question of the day) is:
What time is it?

недеља, 8. мај 2011.

Hello guys! I forgot about comic question of the day:
Three witches watch on two watches.Witch Witch Watch On Witch Watch?
Comic question of the day is: What is the name of your show?
Just something else;
Annoying Orange Joke:

уторак, 3. мај 2011.

I am back!
I made my site and a new video!
I just discovered something...
It is about Club Penguin...
Like I said!
Get it!
Sorry,I wasn't onlinew on time for week question!
What is the name of your show??
Oh yea!
I am making a new website!
It is about news in the world my blog news and my youtube news!
C ya!

субота, 23. април 2011.

Hello Bloggers!
I have just came back from ,,Rio"!
It's a cool movie!
It's about a parrot named Blu and is last male of his kind,so he is going Rio to find a female!
And they are getting into a literally CLOSE situation!
You can watch the full movie at: www.freecartoons.us
Click the link and watch the movie!
Click it!!

петак, 22. април 2011.

Hello guys!
You know what time it is for!
It's time for the question of the week!

четвртак, 14. април 2011.

Hello Bloggers!
I was just blogging and then i remembered!
Its time for the week question:
Wanna play a game??
Oh yeah and one more thing!
I was making a song!
I think it will be called,,School's out 'till tommorow"
Oh yeah!
There will be a party on Cp this saturday!
Server Sleet
Place Cove
Time 9.00 PTS Am
This weekend 14.4.2011
Be there!

понедељак, 11. април 2011.

петак, 8. април 2011.

Hiya bloggers!
I got a song and a blog question of the day:
Its another from Parry Gripp
This is called....
Cute Overload???
and yea
The question is:
XBox or PlayStation?
Bearshare or iTunes??
P.S.Do you like my new blog??

четвртак, 7. април 2011.

I am here for a reason:
Week Question!
So it is;
What is your favourite kind of haaaat?

среда, 6. април 2011.

Its me,SuperEPF!
I heard about this song two days ago!
The Lyrics are so easy!
Artist:Parry Gripp
Name:Nom Nom Nom
Lyrics: nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nomnom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom hnom nom nom!!

четвртак, 31. март 2011.

April Fool's Party has come to CP!
I made a vid about it!
Check it out at:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdiayPUHodI

Hello guys!
Whatcha doin'?
Are you ready for the week question?
This week question is:
If your life was a song,what title will it be?

недеља, 27. март 2011.

I uploaded another video!
This is about a game called Simpsons Hit&Run.
Some cheats!

петак, 25. март 2011.

(sings) Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored! 
Oh hiya,bloggers!
Blog question of the day??
What is your rap name??

понедељак, 21. март 2011.

A new CP video!
It's how to beat the EPF Test without any mistakes!
And I got a new camera,so graphics are better!
Sorry,no sound

субота, 19. март 2011.

петак, 18. март 2011.

Hey guys!
How is it going??
Yes,yes I have one more CP video!
And of course Graphics are bad and no sound!
More vids are coming!
And yea;I forgot!
I will make a few blog questions of the day!
Not every day but!
Here is blog question of the day!
What is your superhero name???

среда, 16. март 2011.

Zing guys!
So I am here for one reason....
Week question of course!
So here is it:
If you watched all my videos
Tell me:
What was your favourite video???
If you didn't...
Well watch em and then answer this question!
Zing-a-bye toots!
P.S.Look for me on CP!
Remember,I am Orange Age or Walldero!
Two new vids!
Three Two one POST!
Sorry no sound!
And sorry for the grapihcs

уторак, 15. март 2011.

Hello guys!
I made two Cp videos!
One is club Penguin Famous Penguins and the second is my Club Penguin Penguin!
Here are the links:

среда, 9. март 2011.

I made a Club Penguin Video!
Check it out:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7ZxFICKRhE
A reply on my newest post.
Here is link for playing Club Penguin:
And Cut!
It's me!
Whatcha doin??
I am here from my camerawork on CP!
You may know me as Orange Age on Cp.
So we are talking 'bout games now...
Week question will be about game then too!
What is the coolest interactive game you play??

петак, 4. март 2011.

Hi people!
Do you know bout game called Club Penguin??
So anyways!
You can interactive your puffle now!
Here one of the cheats guys show ya!
I found a game for ya!
You may know it...
Its called Burrito Bison.
So now about the game:
You are a bison and you try to escape the gummy bear land!
Shop in the shop and buy goodies to escape!

четвртак, 3. март 2011.

Hey guys!
Listen to this cool song!
Name of song:My PC is on fire

Wazzup Gang?
I am here.
Just to mention:
I may not be on blog next week.
So here are TWO week questions!
What is the name of country you rule and Who le the dogs out???

четвртак, 24. фебруар 2011.

I am sick this week.
So,here is the week question:
What are you scared the most??

четвртак, 17. фебруар 2011.

Hello people!
Checked my Youtube channel yet?
Well,if you didn't...
Here is week question to cheer ya up!
Where would you like to go in the whole world?

понедељак, 14. фебруар 2011.

Hello People!
Just to mention...
I gots me my own YouTube Channel!
Here is the link:
Be sure to check it!

четвртак, 10. фебруар 2011.

Hello Peeps!
This week question is:
What is the funniest name you ever heard?

четвртак, 3. фебруар 2011.

Wazzam People
My first post appear!
So,if you were an animal what animal would you be and why?
<a href="http://www.clubpenguin.com/"><img src="http://media2.clubpenguin.com/community/banners/images/clubpenguin-banner-lg-1.gif" alt="Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!" border="0" /></a>